Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What can I use to treat hyperpigmentation contained by lower lip cause by chemical and thermal burns?

and consult a cosmetic surgeon too
Go to the doctor and get plastic surgery. If it's defect tissue, I would think specifically the only path to remove it.
u go to a doctor 1st
i dont know

What can I embezzle or do to produce more of my bodily fluids so that synthetic products can remain surrounded by the store?

drink gatorade..lots of it
You win!!
That's the strangest question I've see yet.

what can i do to clutch some plane?

hi, im 17 yers old n i wnt 2 tke some hegh. i'm 1m72cm soaring. i want to be tall so as i can hve sme girlfriends. so what can i do?? First, you can swot up to write English. You are 17? Good god, and some highschool is going to give you a diploma? and someone is going to hand over you a jog?? No track in hell. Sorry for you dude. The girlfriend stuff? Who'd want you? Girls are attracted to brains,and you enjoy none.
Get Growth hormorne shots
Growth hormone is not a good consideration. You are still immature and your height is growing. Do some exercise frequently to increase it.
The style to speed it is by practicing jumping exercise, such as skipping. By doing this repeatedly, you should increase your height faster later before.
But if you did not diligence about the side effect of growth hormone, you can pilfer it but this hormone also can cause cancer that's why not perfect to take it.
cycling can do wonders to your echelon..
your intention of increasing your height sounds lame.
forget the growth hormone shots and stuff coz they might own bad affect on ur sexual abbility latter just devour good food near good quantity and take right quantity of calcium for Ur bones to grow and play sports
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  • what can i do to be resident neurosurgeon?

    probably nothing.
    At the fundamentally least, run to medical school.
    First, graduate from hs, near a super GPA.
    Medical School.. oh did i mention money
    A man after my own heart!!
    I cant tell if you hold completed your USMLE exams yet, your even or where you are from?
    Carry out loads of research and do in good health in your USMLE exams, especially Step 1 - more than 235+, prefably 240
    Get strong post of recommendation. Neurosurgery is not as sturdy to get into as plastics or ortho because the residency is really tough so you do hold a good prospect

    what can i do for profundity lower than my eyes?

    I'm unclear what you want to know? Do you hold deepness beneath your eyes and want to hide it or do you want to create the effect of profundity under your eyes? I'll answer the 1st next to 2 quick fixes. You can brush rather egg white on the skin below your eyes. this will cause the skin to tighten, forcing out the trap blood(bags underneath your eyes). This will hold up for a few hours unless it becomes severely wet due to persperation or weather.You can also acquire pretty much the same effect from a short time Preperation H. It works the same track. You can also use sliced cucumber. It helps sooth impossible to tell apart area, but take longer to be affected. Proper sleep and nutrtion is the best "cure".
    For creating depth, try a slightly dark face product up under your eyes, consequently blend your normal stub OVER the darker. Blend smoothly and don't go and get too dark or you will look approaching Uncle Fester from the Addams Family.

    What can expired Allegra do to the body?

    I took two Allegras today that expired three years ago. What kind effects can that hold on the body? Generally expired medications hold no extra toxicity. Expirations are made to guarantee a certain level of efficacy. Most likely is be just not as effectual.
    not much effect on the body, rather, no effect at adjectives.
    You might just bring back some nausea. The active ingredient is no longer important.

    what can create controlled supination after a wrist fracture, save for stiffness and muscle loss?

    it's a 4 month old colles and ulna styloid fracture treated beside an external fixiator for 2 weeks and k-wires then make for 4 weeks. now supination is no where on earth near my other side and near is a very sharp distress on my ulna side and during side to side movement- been to PT and my strength is almost fully final now Your radius may hold shortened, or you ulna
    was lengthened.

    what can be the cure against influenza virus?

    There is no cure for influenza, because the virus is constantly changing between ancestors and the virus itself. Like when you get the flu shot, its protective of the flu strain from the year formerly, so you're really about 80%protective from the unsullied strain. The best way to back prevent this is flu vaccine, wash your hand, and Vitamin C needed to build up that immune system.
    Take lots of vitamin C, drink lots of fluids, and Paracetamol(Panadol) to keep the hallucination down.
    If you have cough, pocket 1 tsp of ginger juice near 1 tsp of honey.

    What can be done roughly speaking diverticulosis ?

    Often no treatment is needed. Increases in hydration, increasing fiber content within the diet (the American Dietetic Association recommends 20-35 grams respectively day), or removing factors resulting within constipation help drop the incidence of new diverticuli or possibly hold on to them from bursting or becoming inflammed (ADA website). Fiber supplements may aid if diet is inadequate. If the diverticuli are unusually big (greater than 1 inch), often infected (see diverticulitis), or exhibit insurmountable bleeding, surgery can be performed to lessening relapse or other complications. The NIDDK says foods such as nuts, popcorn hulls, sunflower seed, pumpkin seeds, caraway seed, and sesame seeds should be avoided because they may irritate diverticuli. The seed in tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, strawberries, raspberries, and poppy seed, are not considered harmful by the NIDDK. Treatments, approaching some colon cleansers, that cause unyielding stools, constipation, and straining, are not recommended.
    Medication can be taken to stifle the inflammation.A colon scoping can be done to see how bad things look. A x-ray can be taken of the colon near and without barium to see how desperate the pouches are. Depending on the out come of the test individual medication can work or a portion of the colon is taken out with full taking back 8-10 weeks. Life after wards strictly normal drink lots of fiber less protein cook foods powerfully

    What California company owns adjectives of the switch patent for "Z Finger Technique"?

    The "Z Finger Technique" alters DNA in living cell. The company is Sangamo -
    If you are planning to invest based on this article:
    I infer you should hold on to your money. (just my opinion)
    This is so-called 'Z Finger technique' actually call the zinc finger technique and has be extensively reported.
    Read this first:
    Then read the sources I've cited below.
    yeah i'm happy next to my answer now!
    dont know

    What brand and model of upgradable clinical microscope is best for vet, choose between Nikon and Olympus?

    My choices are Olympus CX 31 or CX 41, Nikon 50 i, E200 or E200F. Choose the optimum one for vets. I am from the Philippines (a humid country). can I contact you directly? The CX31 will be virtuous for you. UP VetMed has olympus microscopes..Please ring up 727-1058 (Manila number) and look for Frances, (Olympus dealer). We can give you a demo and relieve you choose. We can also give you a ring.

    What blood supply directly receive stubstances from tubular cell?

    I'm allowed to choose from the following terms: afferent arteriole, arcuate artery, arcuate artery, collecting duct, distal convoluted tubule, efferent arteriole, glomerular capsule, glomerulus, interlobar artery, interlobar capillary, interlobular artery, interlobular vein, loop of Henle, peritubular capillary and proximal convoluted tubule Changes in the fluid composition from the time glomerular filtrate is formed to when urine arrives at the collecting duct are primarily the result of tubular reabsorption of preferred substances. Most of the reabsorption occurs surrounded by the proximal convoluted tubule. Anything that is not reabsorbed here pass on to the urine.
    it should be the capillary plexus
    The peritubular capillaries
    The peritubular capillary run immediately next-door to the renal proximal tubules (RPT). This allows the RPT cells to verbs nutrients directly from the filtrate to the peritubular capillaries, thereby completing the process of 'reabsorption'.

    what microbes groes brite pallid within simmons citrate agar?

    It might be micrococcus.
    Seems to me that was Staph. aureus
    Aureus, logically, is "gold" in Latin, as I withdraw it. Golden yellow colonies.
    Of course, it's be, oh, 30 years or so since my last microbiology course.
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  • What atvantages does the Circle of Willis extend at the foot of the brain?

    Named for Thomas Willis, the circle of Willis is almost a misnomer. In only around 1/3 of humans does the series of arteries for a completed circle. Often called the rational arterial circle, it links the major blood vessel supplying the brain: the Anterior, Middle and Posterior Cerebral Arteries.
    It is thought to add redundancy to the supply of blood to the brain. See the site below for superfluous information.
    It is a way to allow more than one supply of blood to supply adjectives parts of the brain, so that if one artery is occluded the whole brain can still bring back blood. If a single artery provided blood to each quantity of the brain, then if that artery be occluded, its part of the brain would be unqualified to funciton.

    What artery is at the cease of the aorta?

    If a quiz question asked "What is the designation of the artery found at the end of the aorta?" what would the answer be? I suggest it might be iliac, but I'm not sure. The ascending aorta, turns into the transverse aorta, and then into the descending aorta which bifurcates (splits) into the adjectives iliacs when it reaches the pelvis.
    superior vena cava
    The aorta is sited surrounded by the thorax. It is divided into the ascending, the arch and the descending parts.The descending part transverses the abdominal hiatus to become the abdominal aorta which divides at the even of the iliac crests into the two iliac arteries .Though the abdominal aorta is usually discussed separately from the thoracic portions.It is safe to high regard the iliac artery as the vessel found at the end of the entire length of the aorta.
    Arteria femoralis
    The aorta bifurcates (splits) into the moved out and right common iliac aa.
    what enufwork said

    what are your thoughts on Somas?

    a waste of time.
    pretty honest when mixed with vicadon
    they are really lame, its similar to xanax or valium but no fun at basically zone out. booooooooring

    What are your authentic reason for wanting to be a doctor?

    Please don't just right to be heard because you want to help relations. It's pretty much the only road that I can work in pajamas adjectives day and stick needles into those while making a good living. :D
    I am an anesthesiologist, and I also close to the control. (If I want your blood pressure down, it's going DOWN!)
    It's mentally stimulating work as well. Keeps me on my toes.
    It's the fail-safe job for me.
    status and money.
    Who said anything in the order of me wanting to be a doctor??
    Because its in your heart and soul, no smaller amount.
    i want to save lives and minister to people that reason they are hopeless i wanna be the one to look a person unresponsive in the eye and articulate your gonna be ok you're going home to your family!
    I required to do research in a pasture where I can be proud of what I accomplish. Works for me.
    Because it is easier to win a bank loan.
    first my father wish that i should be a doc n as i love him soo much so i thought its not a big deal if i dance for that as i had never special an ambition in my vivacity so it was comfortable for me to get mold.
    second i be to do somehting n i thought it to be the best, most repectable n honored profession
    n now i m axiom that its the blessing to be a doc after doing some practical work, getting closer to ppls, serving them, its realy a fun belive me!
    To be honest, when I applied I'd finished a bioscience degree and didn't hold a clue what to do.
    So I went to medical arts school by default, and put stale having to come up with for another 5 years.
    I only really become enthusiastic about individual a doctor after I qualified.

    what are your probable likelihood if you hold neoplasia /luecemia type , caught surrounded by the middle?

    Leukemia At A Glance
    Leukemia is a cancer of the blood cells.
    While the exact cause(s) of leukemia is not prearranged, risk factors enjoy been identified.
    Leukemias are grouped by how in the blink of an eye the disease develops (acute or chronic) as well as by the type of blood cell explicitly affected.
    People next to leukemia are at significantly increased risk for developing infections, anemia, and bleeding.
    Diagnosis of leukemia is supported by findings of the medical history and examination, and examining blood underneath a microscope. Leukemia cells can also be detected and further classified next to a bone marrow aspiration and/or biopsy.
    Treatment of leukemia depends on the type of leukemia, certain features of the leukemia cell, the extent of the disease, and prior history of treatment, as well as the age and condition of the patient.
    Most patients near leukemia are treated with chemotherapy. Some patients also may own radiation therapy and/or bone marrow transplantation

    what are ventilator bundles?

    It is a "bundle" of four actions done to a merciful on a ventilator to prevent problems, especially pneumonia.
    From Florida Baycare
    The "ventilator bundle" includes four components: elevation of the head of the bed to between 30 and 45 degree, daily "sedation vacation" and day after day assessment of readiness to extubate, peptic ulser disease (PUD) prophylaxis, and adjectives vein thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis (unless contraindicated). ..

    What are vector transfers?? and how do they relate to microinjections??

    A vector is an animal that carries a disease, close to how mosquitos carry malaria. When the mosquito bites you, that's a type of injection.not sure it's a "microinjection."
    that have something to do with gene conferral to bone marrow stem cells right?

    What are two all your own EKG findings of a transmural myocardial infarction?

    the two EKG characteristics of a transmural MI are ST elevation with low Q waves, followed by T tide inversion
    Transmural infarct involves the entire thickness of ventricular wall. The loss of positivity contained by the infarcted area cause the development of Q breakers in the lead exploring the infarcted area.However, it is to be noted that even the usual ECG may show small Q waves contained by leads I, V5, and V6 that represent with the sole purpose normal septal depolarization. Q breakers, to be considered diagnostic of acute myocardial infarction, must (1) have a duration of at least possible 0.04 seconds or (2) enjoy a depth equal to 25% or more of the height of the R thrash.
    Other than the Q waves , ST segment elevation (convex or straight upwards) suggests transmural infarct.

    what are treatments for astigmatism?

    is there other ways to increase eyesight than lasik? Soft contact lenses can now correct astigmatism.
    Wearing specs with special lenses.
    propriet cilindric lenses
    There are special contact lenses that are for astigmatism. It is more costly than regular lenses but it works.
    here are some contacts out now for relatives with astigmatisms but I lately wear glasses as I own no power in my lenses and my eyes don't tolerate the contacts all right.
    Contacts (soft or hard) or glasses both work really all right to correct astigmatism. If you're looking for ways to make your astimatism smaller number, then LASIK may be the process to go. Ask your eye doctor if you're a polite candidate for the surgery.

    what are these animal vaccines for: distemper, corona, and bordetella?

    Bordetella vaccine is used against kennel cough - this occurs relatively commonly in dog kennels and is glibly transmissable between animals. Not normally serious, except contained by younger puppies. Analogous to human whooping cough.
    Distemper is a serious viral disease in dogs (and ferret apparently) which can be fatal - see the intermingle for more details.
    I Dont know two of them but Corona i would assume is agaisnt the corona Virus
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  • What are the worst side effects you can capture from Adderall? Please answer?

    Inability to sleep if taken too late within the day.
    Initially, increased heart rate, even while sitting without blemish still.
    Death..SEVERE Heart problems..inability to erection for men..
    no erection
    Straight from a pharmacology book:
    Endocrine metabolic: Weight loss
    Gastrointestinal: Abdominal pain, Loss of appetite, Xerostomia
    Neurologic: Headache, Insomnia, Tremor
    Psychiatric: Dysphoric mood, Euphoria, Nervousness, Restlessness
    Cardiovascular: Cardiomyopathy (rare), Chest agony (rare), Hypertension, Irregular heart rate, Myocardial infarction (rare), Palpitations, Tachyarrhythmia, Unexplained sudden death, children, adolescents
    Endocrine metabolic: Body heat above normal (rare)
    Immunologic: Allergic allergic reaction (rare)
    Neurologic: Central nervous system stimulation (Severe), Cerebrovascular catastrophe (rare), Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome, Seizure (rare)
    Psychiatric: Psychotic disorder, With prolonged use
    I don't know

    what are the white flashes i see when i squeeze my eyes indisputable tight?

    Residual firing of your rod and cone receptors.
    The white flashes are light that produces contained by ur retina
    I see them too!
    I see colours aswell.
    Lightning in your brain
    flashes within your retnia
    the media is taking photos. you are dead

    What are the ways doctors restart a heart?

    CPR, open heart stroke, different drugs or the paddles that shock the heart(called a defibrillator)
    theres always the classic cardio pulminary resussitation, theres also a difibulator, or if it stops during surgery there's an initiate heart massage.
    go through all the methods populace have mentioed up to that time in for a moment detail for you.

    What are the virulence factor of extra-intestinal pathogenic E. coli?

    According to Todar's Online Textbook of Bacteriology, the virulence factors of extra-intestinal pathogenic E. coli are as follows:
    Type 1 fimbriae
    P fimbriae
    S fimbriae
    Intimin (non-fimbrial adhesin)
    siderophores and siderophore uptake systems
    Shigella-like "invasins" for intracellular invasion and spread
    LT toxin
    ST toxin
    Shiga-like toxin
    endotoxin LPS)
    -Antiphagocytic surface properties-
    K antigens
    -Defense against serum bactericidal reactions-
    K antigens
    -Defense against immune responses-
    K antigens
    antigenic changeability
    -Genetic attributes-
    genetic exchange by transduction and conjugation
    transmissible plasmids
    R factors and drug resistance plasmids
    toxin and other virulence plasmids
    That depends on which E. coli you're discussion about. There are enterotoxigenic, enterohemorrhagic, enteropathogenic, entero-invasive, enteroaggregative and diffuse-adherent strains. Which do you want to know just about so I don't have to write out everything.?

    what are the uses of lasers surrounded by tablets ?

    please explain . I have see lasers used in eye surgery, gynecologic and urologic surgery and for cosmetic reason (hair reduction, artery treatments, etc.) There are probably more uses as well.
    New technology have introduced microsurgery, laser lintel surgery, and lens implantation (for cataract patients), all requiring the specialist's skill. Precision within diagnosis has markedly enhanced; advances within radiology, the use of ultrasound, computerized axial tomography (CAT scan), and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging are examples of the extension of technology requiring expertise surrounded by the field of tablets.
    As noted above, lasers have become a meaningful tool in pills. They also have noteworthy uses in a few other areas, as, for example, communications. Laser light can take voice messages and digitally encoded information and can do so in colossal amounts because of its high frequency. Except contained by satellite-to-satellite communications, laser beams are transmitted via optical fibre. The speed with which the focal spot of a dictatorial laser beam can be controlled make it suitable for a variety of applications within information processing—e.g., use in optical scanners, optical disc storage systems, and clear in your mind types of computer printers.

    what are the uses of ampicillin 250mg vial, its indications, contraindications etc.?

    It is amino penicillin and anti microbial. It inhibits the growth as well as multiplicationof germs.It is used in Respiratory infections, otitis medium, Helicobacter pylori infection with peptic spot, infective endocaditis, Genito urinary infections, amd endocaditis prophlaxis. Contara indication- those who are hypersensitive to peniclillin groups since it belong to the penicillin group
    it is mainly used as an antibacterial. we use it to treat infections but the dose to be used neeDs to be computeD per body immensity. it is best to as your physician about it if your goin to use it.

    what are the types of tablets according to its use?

    i've found 5 analgesic,aneaesthetic,halluci. stimulants and antibiotics. help me find the others. Here you run..This website should cover it. I use it frequently for my work.
    I don't know if halluciengiens (sp?) count, and I'm a bit iffy on stimulants. But there's:
    Steriods (Asthma meds, etc)
    I'm not sure about these:
    Diurectics ("Water-Pills")
    That's adjectives I can think of, but I'm sure there's more.

    What are the traits that are passed down contained by the family unit tree?

    They can be traits that are not visible! recessive features are passed through line trees as "traits"; people who are heterogenous for the phase and their phenotype shows the dominant feature but they take the recessive feature into their offsprings.
    Many physical,mental traits are passed from one classmates to the subsequent.Physical-height,weight,bu. of head,feeler,mouth,neck,chest,abd. of palms,refraction of eyes,voice,mannerism Mental or Emotional--Egoism,(pride),memo. ,temperment,tolorence(or withdrawal of it),intellect, Diseases---I B S,Schizophrenia,anxiety,thyroi. conditions,diabetes,tumours, and many more.

    what are the test an Indian radiologist have to qualify through to go and get practising licence surrounded by the USA?

    As a foreign medical graduate, your medical school would entail to be accredited here within the US by the LCME. Next, you will need to intervene the USMLE and receive a certificate from the ECFMG. You'll also want to pass the CSA trialling. Afterwards you'll need to be trained at an ascribed Radiology residency.
    Was your school attributed by an institution recognized contained by the United States? If it was, adjectives you should have to do is whip the state boards in the state you want to work contained by. If it wasn't, you might not be able to verbs it's degree here.

    What are the tasks of an assisting nurse contained by a min. invasive surgery operation?

    I need some infos for a situation to do at university. I'm italian so talk as clear as possible, thankfulness.
    The title of my essay is "Technological innovations & nursing competences: what a nurse has to do and what he have to know during a minimally invasive surgery operation".
    Thank you very much for everyone will answer this. :-) The tasks of the scrub (assisting) nurse surrounded by minimally invasive surgery are similar to that during major surgery.
    They are responsible for setting up the instruments for the surgery, protecting the sterile enviroment (many a time I own been shouted at not to touch this or that by the scrub nurse lol), providing the surgeon beside the correct instruments and other materials during the operation, and in some cases assisting within the operation.
    In some operations such as colonoscopy, where on earth sterility in not of utmost imprtance, the role of the assisting nurse can be to do in recent times about anything. From checking the equpment getting KY jelly out of the drawer.
    Any surgery is serious and can become completely serious and invasive in literally a heart pound! The duty of the nurse is to be a complete nurse regardless the level of the surgery!
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  • what are the symptoms of sore? what is the grounds of abdominal pains feel by women when they hold dismenorrh?

    Ulcer: depending where it is, could be burning, could see black surrounded by stool (go to hosp if looks black and like coffee grounds) and save for that, any pain that does not jump away should be looked at by your doc.
    THe other comes once a month and can be due to inflamation somewhere. Doc can see and help next to that. Anti-inflamatories help but sometimes nothig will assist if it is bad ample. Some people own cramps so bad they seize sick, vomit, double over once a month. THis is not good, however a honest doc and a good merciful can take effort of it.

    What are the symptoms of stomach cancer?

    2 monthes ago my husband felt similar to a small knot or close to a ball adjectives his stomach , and not its even bigger.
    He was have some dirrahea and then constibation, afterwards dark stool for a while , but he is afraid to move about to doctor.
    So, iwonder if this would be symptoms of cancer , Thanx Good luck.
    Sounds like classic symptoms. Convince him to budge the doctor NOW to know for sure. The longer he puts it off the smaller amount chance for survival.
    ALso, look for counterbalance loss..that is a classic.but it is hugely important for him to be in motion to the doctor.
    I would make him an appt. near an oncologist and give him NO CHOICE of whether he go or not. What are you more afraid of.. Making your husband mad or losing him to a curable disease if he get the right treatment. And I am in no means of access insinuating that it would be your fault, My husband is stuborn and pig-headed when it comes to going to the Dr. I other remind him that it is better to know and take fastidiousness of then, to quit it alone and possibly die.

    What are the symptoms of ink poisoning?

    People love to doodle on me (Kind of a push-over like that, but oh well) and from heaps others I keep audible range about this dreaded "ink-poisoning". What is ink-poisoning, and what are the symptoms? How will I know if I am getting it? Writing ink is considered non-toxic. You requirement to ingest more than an ounce of writing ink before it's expected to be a problem. If you ingested more than an ounce, symptoms may be irritation of the eye and skin stains.
    Poisoning from an ingestion of writing ink
    May cause eye irritation
    Staining of skin and other mucous membranes

    what are the symptoms of bungarotoxins contained by the human body?

    I don't really know the symptoms that affect the body but I do know that bungarotoxins are a form of flourescent markers that are used to follow indisputable entities throughout biochemistry, they are used in psychiatry, and other medical field.
    ask coroner

    what are the symptoms of a yeast infection? are here any stds that hold similar symptoms?

    symptoms of a yeast infection include intense itching inside of and/or surrounding the vagina, andburning sensation,odor. These can mimick several STDs. If you buy an OTC yeast infection cream (one with an anti-fungal agent call miconozale,not just cream that moisturizes) and it cures the itch after you probably just have a yeast infection but I would go for an STD check anyway.
    this is the wrong place for that a sudden call to your nurse practitioner will give support to you with this and its free. She will et you know if you involve to come in.
    If you own been have unprotected sex you need to dance to a health clinic are see your Doctor to find checked out.Because some STD's don have symptoms

    What are the symptoms of a caffeine overdose?

    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV-TR)describes Caffeine Intoxication as having at smallest 5 of the following symptoms and recent ingestion of at least 250mg of caffeine:
    (1)restlessness, (2) restlessness, (3) excitement, (4) insomnia, (5) flushed face, (6) diuresis (frequent urination), (7) gastrointestinal disturbance, (8) muscle twitching, (9) disorderly flow of thought and speech, (10) tachycardia or cardiac arrythmia, (11) periods of inexhaustability, and (12) pscyhomotor agitation.
    I am not sure around "overdose" as you ask the question.
    Shaking and nausea.
    Potential Health Effects
    Inhalation of dust may irritate the mucous membranes and respiratory tract. High concentrations may produce effects paralleling ingestion.
    Toxic. The fully developed mean fatal dose is approximately 10 gm. Large doses may produce palpitation, excitement, insomnia, dizziness, headache and vomiting.
    Skin Contact:
    Causes irritation to skin. Symptoms include redness, itching, and agony.
    Eye Contact:
    Causes irritation, redness, and strain.
    Chronic Exposure:
    Excessive use of caffeine may lead to digestive disturbances, constipation, palpitations, shortness of breath and depressed mental states. Possible teratogen. May wreak congenital malformation surrounded by the fetus.

    what are the supplement/medicine that shouldn't be taken after we drink a cup milk? (milk can neutralize it)

    Milk can neutralize acid and basis both of them
    You shouldnt take Iron after you drink milk because milk ruins the absorbtion.

    What are the STRICT do's and dont's surrounded by lingo of diet and physical diversion for an epilepsy long-suffering?

    The purpose of this question is to control recurence of seizure inspite of taking medicines regularly. Ask your doctor give or take a few the Ketogenic Diet. This diet overloads the body in constant types of fatty acids, forcing the body to produce ketones (a type of chemical). The Ketogenic Diet has be shown to control seizures contained by children, but it's effectiveness contained by adults has not be proven.
    As for activities, avoid anything that make you breathe heavily for a long time (over five minues). Rapid breathing can make a character have a commandeering just approaching flashing lights can, though it's not nearly as common.
    Eat right, exercise contained by moderation, get plenty of sleep, and you should be doing a tour to bringing your seizures beneath control.
    follow the Canada food guide and cycle and swim at a "Y" or other supervised pool. this keeps the body functioning proper.
    Try to state a healthy diet and lifestyle. Excercise.
    Try not to embezzle alcohol. If you have too, do not lug too much, as it might trigger a seizure.
    If you hold medication prescribed to you. Take it regularly. Try not to miss your usual dosage.

    what are the steps you follow to create a drug discovery, and principles.?

    I don't understand your cross-question, but I'll try to answer what I think you're asking
    First, settle on on a topic and read everything you can about it. I mingy EVERYTHING. Then you'll find something interesting to investigate about. I recommend for researching, a obedient source of biomedical papers.
    Then, gather everything and opt exactly what is your question. Try to preserve it simple and straightforward. You can divide it in several little question. Control all the variables and brand name sure that the change you're expecting within your experiment can happen lately because of what you have done, not because anything else. Have a positive and denial control, that way you can know for sure what the results are. Then do the experiment and I hope you be right. If you weren't, well, immediately you can rule out that possibility and rephrase the question.
    First, I would read everything more or less a subject.
    Then take a significant amount of drugs. Then, surrounded by my inebriated state, my mind would dream up some discovery about that subject. And voila! Drug discovery at its finest.
    Worked for Aerosmith.

    What are the steps to carry an internship within the Medical paddock?

    I'm trying to get a chore as a Nursing Assistant.but I'm currently in college and I don't really have the time or experience.I be thinking that it would be smarter to volunteer or get an internship while contained by that I can capture the "hands on" experience that I entail.but I'm clueless on what steps I need to transport to make this begin.I have 18 months vanished in my course.I want to be capable of qualify for a job by the time I'm done! To get hold of an "official" internship, you need a Bachelors level, and then travel to Med school, and later do your residency. The majority of residencies incorporate the internship as the first year.
    You may look for a "workterm" though. Some places, especially those involved with your university, may allow you to get some hands-on experience. Talk to your guidance counsellor, or job counsellor, or whoever handles that kinda stuff at your college.
    Good luck!
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  • What are the states/cities where on earth the salary of nurses are soaring? low?

    I am a nurse in CA but it really depends not simply on where you live but where on earth you work. If you work nights you'll other make a differential over what you would working days. I cause a great wage in CA but because I specialize within ICU I make more than if I be to work on the med/surg floor.also it depends how long you have be a nurse. You have to remember that within exchange for the good remuneration we give up alot too..hospitals do not close for weekends or holidays..and should the market research be low you might get sent home.. I own missed more than my share of my childrens school plays, soccer games, music/choir assemblies.
    I don't know just about lowest, but California is higher than most. Of course the cost of living is more expensive here but get to live contained by California. So it is a trade-off.
    us cities are high unlike here within manila!
    Usually the larger the city the higher the retribution.I make almost twice as much contained by Dallas,as I would in a small Texas town.
    You can find like mad of really good info on the U.S. Dept of Labor / Bureau of Labor Statistics site. I use this site slightly a bit for a health career course I teach at a local college. I be going to copy a bunch of info here for you, but it will be much more informative if you visit the site yourself, so here's the interconnect:

    what are the signs and symptoms of 3rd spacing?

    i need the signs and symptoms please. Increase contained by abdominal girth, dull percussion above abdomen next to signs of vascular depletion (super fast or super slow pulse). You should enjoy the serum albumin levels checked and ten watch. Anything below-normal levels (low serum albumin level result in fluid shifting out of vascular space because albumin customarily maintains plasma colloid osmotic pressure) afterwards get a doc right away.approaching now..right immediately would be good.
    edema, puffing up, maw can seem to turn wrong side out
    Third-space fluid shift is the mobilisation of body fluid to a non-contributory space rendering it unavailable to the circulatory system. It is a perpetual clinical phenomenon requiring swift identification to minimise deleterious effects. Nurses experience difficulties however within its early passport, diagnosis and subsequent treatment because of the lack of consensual and consistent information in connection with third-spacing.
    Third Spacing takes fluid away from the run of the mill fluid compartments and causes the forgiving to have hypovalemia.
    Assessment of hypovolemia
    * Decreased body warmth
    * Low blood pressure
    * Tachycardia
    * Weak Pulse
    * Increased Respirations
    * Weakness
    * N/V
    * Weight Loss
    * Assess for decreased urinary output
    * Shock
    * Increased Hct, Hgb, RBC’s
    you a55wole starts bleeding

    what are the side effects of tomoxafin?

    Has anyone had side effects from the pills? Side effects of tamoxifen include:
    blood clots (thrombosis),
    endometrial cancer (cancer of the uterine lining),
    abnormal growth of uterine tissue (endometriosis),
    fertility issues, and
    quill and nail thinning.
    within are a lot of side effects. Info can be found here
    truly its tamoxifen.
    Tamoxifen is an antiestrogen (blocks the effect of estrogen on tissue).
    The most common side effects associated next to tamoxifen are: hot flashes, weight gain, peculiar menstrual periods, and nausea.

    what are the most recent asthma medication?

    the latest asthma drugs are a group of drugs call mast cell stabilisers close to sodium cromoglycate and ketotifen.
    I just get put on singular. It is helping.
    Truly the newest is probably Asmanex. It is an inhaled corticosteroid (antiinflammatory) that you nick every day. There is no solid clear advantage to this corticosteroid vs. others resembling Flovent, Pulmicort, etc.