Monday, September 27, 2010

What are the pros and cons of full-grown stem cell research?

Pros - Stem cell research allows us to reproduce vital organs contained by the body and regenerate our own tissue. It could help us treat and alleviate previously untouchable diseases like Diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's. It could allow ethnic group who were blind to see again, stroke victims or paraplegics to amble again. It could advance medication as we know it like the creation of penicillin.
Cons - Bush will abhor you
imagine this.. if you be born in the year 9000 you would own a machine or a robot that know all the answers and u woulnd't entail to ask questions anymore!
The use of full-grown stem cell research versus fetal stem cell research means that no human lives are created and after destroyed in the cross of sience that has all the same to produce a cure for anything.
The potential for stem cell researh is real but IMHO the use of grown stem cells holds great unsystematic of success. One issue that have never been address, as far as I know, is that of rejection. Will fetal tissue be rejected by the host just resembling a transplanted organ? If we can encourage our own stem cell to regrow whatever defective cell we have within will be no risk of rejection.
Simply, we will be able to fix any disease to be precise caused by problem of your body.
I don't think it have cons at all.

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